Tag: notes

Chinese Language Week – Note Taking

One of the tasks I had to do for Chinese Language Week was to watch a video to guide children about China, and I had to take notes on this video.  Here is a link to the video I watch.  Here are my notes :

Today’s country is China, man says in a celebratory toned with drumming in the background of suspense, the background is a wide sky with countless clouds, the left third of the china flag comes in from the right with na in white near the middle left, the middle third piece a flys down from the top middle and slides to the correct frame with a chi, the last third piece of the china flag slides in from the left. Group of people say china at the same time.


Screen transitions into a Chinese traditional drum/bell, new music starts with trivial and exciting themes, China is a country in Asia-  the right third of the globe slides in from the right quicker much quicker than the flag from the start, the middle part of the the globe quickly slides into the middle aswell as the left third piece sliding in from the left, globe starts spinning and a red line starting from the USA tracks to China. -China is far away and it takes about 11 hours. To fly there. Screen blurs and unblurs into a transition of a person writing in chinese with black paint in black clothing. people in China speak a few differant languages but the main one is called Chinese Mandarin. “Three pieces transition” transitons a photo of many sophisticated and archetictual buildings of technology, the main building to see is a skytower with two round spaces near the top and one near the bottom. More people live in China than any other country in the world. “Blur transition” into a clean anchient paper with traditional anchient building picture drawn onto it. China invented many of the things we use today including paper,umbrellas. The paper is removed from the top right and transitioned into a traditional women with a flower kimono an flower hariclip and a traditional red umbrella with a forest background, the screen does another “paper transition into a man using a kite and quickly transitioning into a firework show that also quickly transitions into a bowl of famouse Chinise food aswell as someone eatinng it with blurred boba and an empty balck bowl in the background. -kites, and fireworks. China is famous for food,-Quickly blurr transitions into a man in white clothing cooking.-a large country with many differaent types of food all over it. Quickly blur transitions across multiple differant foods such as fortune cookies, meat, dumplings, vegetables and “bird nests”.-China has delicious meats, scrummy dummplings, pretty vegtables, and bird’s nests; wich are one of the most expensive foods in the world-blurr transitions into a dark bacground and a circle of words in the middle with 11 parts streching out lined with dats and at the end with animals in coloured circles. every year China celebrates an animal but sometimes they selebrate the imaginary dragon. blur transitions into the night as a background and two chinese itemed neon dragons. transitions into a grop of people feeling fur on someone with a dragon costume. blur transtions into a chinese cultured temple with dragon tips. Dragons are very imprtant to Chinese culture and art. blur transitions into a giant panda trying to eat a bamboo and blur transitions into a pink dolphin. China is home to many wonderful animals including giant pandas and pink dolphins. “Three piece transitions quickly” into the wall of china and many people walking across it. There is a very old wall in china it is the logenst wall in the wholde world it- slide transitions into another photo of the great wall of china. -is called the Great Wall of China. In China,-slide transition into two people shaking hands. They don’t say “Hello”, instead they say Ni Hao. Quickly “three piece transitions” into the Chinese flag and Ni Hao in English and Chinese.